Monday 29 September 2008

Found Dialogue: Txt msgs

Ok so having an alphabetically prominent name can occasionally lead to the odd unexpected Brucie-bonus, for instance receiving texts intended for other people. Here's two I got on Friday, that provide two very different windows on the world(s) my friends live in;

"Yo baby. The photo does not do it justice. I cant tell what there is. Was the cray fish and coleslaw? love you x"

I can't decide if this is sweet or depressing. Does this couple have nothing better to do than send low resolution photos of their lunches to each other? Do they do this often? You think they keep all the photos catalogued in date order? Weird perhaps, but not nearly as troubling as this next gem;

"Im bk at mine wat u doin i left man tht maty was dodgy n kept givin me evils u stayin there"

That's it. Zero punctuation. A text that shows obvious signs of both drug-induced paranoia and state school inscribed academic laziness. If I weren't so renowned for my philanthropic nature I'd say this cock-pocket probably deserves to rot in Rodbourne.

Alex B.

Wednesday 24 September 2008

Beat The Crunch

These are testing times for all of us - you're dunking Digestive's but you want to roll with your Wagon Wheel lifestyle. With this easy to follow, step-by-step guide you too can punch the crunch.

Want to buy-to-let but can’t get a mortgage? Don’t be-a-letdown - forget HBOS – you need YesBoss! The high-street bank that says High-Five! to 125% mortgages secured on your grandmother’s kidneys. You’re wife’s nagging at you to take her on a shopping spree but you don’t trust her with your wallet. No problem, with the new Credit-Crunch card from YesBoss she's superstylish, she’s always able to buy a round of drinks and she still seems to be wearing a new outfit every time you see her - she's a Recessionista!

Bored of traipsing round TK Maxx after her? Want to treat yourself but can’t afford the latest Blu-Ray movie releases? Beat the Crunch – Betamax! Some people will try to tell you that it was rendered obsolete by VHS many moons ago but don’t listen - the suffix max comes from maximum which surely suggests greatness. Plus, it comes with Extended Definition as standard – a whole 500 lines of resolution and a promise of reduced luminescence noise.

Food prices getting you down? You might be feeling the pinch but with the crunch-diet saving pounds needn’t mean piling them on! Start the day the way with a lite bite – grain prices might be on the up but Credit-Crunchy Nut Cornflakes have never been so cheap – they’re 99% interest-rate free! Fancy an evening in with the latest video cassette movie and a Takeaway? Has the cost of curry become a worry? Forget about it. You don’t need Takeaway – you need Fakeaway! So cheap you’ll even have enough liquidity left over for a drink.

Fallen behind on your interest payments? You need to save some cash before the repo-depot come knocking on your door demanding your Gran’s precious innards as collateral. You can forget about vacations for a while - that two month tour of Thailand is out of the question - but don't let the sodden English summer rain on your parade. Do what I did – take a Staycation! You’re house can soon be turned into that five-star luxury hotel you had your eye on. Buy a box of After Eights and leave one on your pillow. Be sure to remove the do not disturb sign from the door and your house mate will change your bed-linen whilst you’re out visiting your home town’s “ethnic areas” during the day. If you really want to immerse yourself in the foreign culture you’ve found yourself then why not visit one of those whacky food markets they have. Dried scorpions? Who’d-a-funk it? Send one to your workmates as a novelty postcard and, provided they don’t notice the local postmark, they'll never know you stayed at home for a week! Need a drink to wind down after a long day seeing the sites? Buy a mini-fridge for your bedroom, stock it full of whisky-miniatures and nuts and raisins and kickback and enjoy the first evening of your staycation.

If you’re feeling thrifty then send us your penny pinching suggestions to and we can beat the crunch together!


Tuesday 23 September 2008

Etymology: A Cautionary Tale.

You know the type, those kids who've taken to their studies a little too conscientiously but still manage to be 'cool' and 'hip,' the ones who pick you up on your grammar even though you're the guy with a reputation for doing that even at three in the A.M. whilst holding some girl's hair back so she can spew on your shoes. Those guys. Don't think that you can get away with pitching up, late, worse for wear from having stayed up all night watching Blade Runner, The Empire Strikes Back and Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (in that order) and get away with it. The first couple of hours may go relatively without hitch, aside from a few failed attempts to turn the conversation to an area more to your comfort. You may miss some literary/cultural references your soaked synapses may have connected with had they been given a fighting (less booze-sodden) chance, but they're still laughing at your anecdotes right? But don't think you've gotten away with it friend. They're on to you. These are the future pillars of society, industry, commerce and ideas. These freaks can bore you with talk of employment law one minute and amaze you with as yet unthought of implications of extented human longevity the next. Don't get caught out now, you were so close! Don't lapse back in to school playground slang that you're not even aware of the last time you used. Yesterday or yesteryear? Don't do it. You did it.

"Yeah, so I pretty much got jipped."

"You got what?"




"You realise how un-PC that is, right?"

"What'chu talkin' 'bout, Willis?"

"The implication was that you got the bum end of the deal because you were dealing with a Gypsy- racial stereotyping what it is -reputed to be wiley, even thieving, bargainers. Hence you were 'Gypped'."

"Err, um no. No I was 'jipped' as in......umm. Well that's not how I understood it as..... a Year 7. In fact I'm not even sure the two are related. If I wrote it down I wouldn't spell it with a 'G'."

"Man, the Gypsies, Romas and their nomadic brethren have been getting a bum deal for thousands of years and you're just adding to their greivances with Western Civilisation with your thoughtless perpetuation of racial stereotype. You call yourself a liberal? You ought to be ashamed."

"Hey look buddy if I was American and enfranchised I'd vote Obama. I'm liberal with a capital 'L'."

"Not if you're spouting B.S. like that."

"Can't we change the subject or something? I like Mountain Dew and Seinfeld.....Who's excited about Star Trek XI?"

Needless to say no one was excited by the next Star Trek picture. I'm still not sure if it was totally fair that I got called up on this. Maybe I got jipped. Or Gypped.

Alex B.

Tuesday 16 September 2008

Found Dialogue: MSN Rant

Ok, first a little background. I was poking around in my memory stick the other day for some half-baked writing ideas and came across this. It dates from last year, about a month after a particularly painful breakup in which the two parties involved mercifully ended up on different continents. The healing process was well underway until this Scottish guy starts getting all up in my grill; first by convincing my ex to sign into my Hotmail (she knew my password) so she could use innocuous emails from female friends to accuse me of sleeping with other girls and then by signing into her messenger account himself. I've kept it verbatim except for changing her sign-in name to protect the guilty. I'm not sure why I kept it at all, but I guess it seemed funny even at the time.

Now You Die Thriddle Fool says:hey?

Jasmin says:who is this

Now You Die Thriddle Fool says:guess?

Jasmin says:this is Jasmins current, and id like to know why you keep soliciting her against her wishes

Jasmin says:we live together and i know whats up

Jasmin says:not thatits your business

Now You Die Thriddle Fool says:whatever you say buddy boy

Jasmin says:what ever insults youd like to volley my way

Jasmin says:buddy boy

Jasmin says:you wanna be my buddy

Jasmin says:i suggest you concentrate on your attempt at a career path and leave her to me

Jasmin says:riddle her with guilt all you want

Now You Die Thriddle Fool says:this is all very amusing im sure but i have better things to do

Jasmin says:but it wont work

Jasmin says:really

Jasmin says:i could have sworn youre a malingering post grad oblamov

Jasmin says:but ill leave you to it

Jasmin says:if you got sth better to do what are you doing attempting to pull an ex

Now You Die Thriddle Fool says:who said i was doing that?

Jasmin says:dont gimme that, i know what happend when she was home for grad

Now You Die Thriddle Fool says:you really have no idea what your talking about, and i f were you id stop worrying about a non exisent risk in another country and get on with it.

Jasmin says:right and im sure your face book mssg wherein you subtly imply ur pulling some spanish chick was pure randomness

Jasmin says:exes are always a threat specially ones who treat their gfs like shit

Jasmin says:and who try to convice to dump their current

Now You Die Thriddle Fool says:why you are even reading Jaz's stuff i have no idea, and you seem to be the one who has trouble treating people with respect.

Jasmin says:so u dont deny u tried to pull her then at home and have her dump me

Jasmin says:she must be lying

Jasmin says:treating with respect, fuck do you know bout me

Jasmin says:i know bout you

Jasmin says:full stop

Jasmin says:i have access to all her mssgs , including the text wherein you offer a free b and b

Now You Die Thriddle Fool says:id didnt ry anything with Jaz, and you dont know anything about me you paranoid jerk. i really have got stuff to do so i would appreciate it you signed out of the msn account that isnt yours and left me alone.

Jasmin says:ah no think ill stay online. fuck u get the nerve to tell me .. if you got stuff to do i suggest doing it though strongly doubt it.,. just remember im not a one of your fucking buddies and im keeping my ears and eyes open.

Now You Die Thriddle Fool says:oh im scared, really scared. mr fancy pants thinks he can cross channel threaten

Jasmin says:thats cute, well how bout i head to swindonw

Now You Die Thriddle Fool says:bring it on fuckwad

Jasmin says:think ill drop by to Jaz's mums for xmas and stop by

Jasmin says:haha

Jasmin says:thats cute

Jasmin says:wonder why im fucking her and you arent

Jasmin says:so u got shit to do dont you?

Now You Die Thriddle Fool says:thats real choice, such a nice way to speak about your 'current'

Jasmin says:lets not mince words, if you gave two fucks about her why would she have left you. go write a dissertation on womens rights

Now You Die Thriddle Fool says:dont worry the way you are treating her it'll happen

Jasmin says:reason i dont like what ur up to is i care about her and love her i wont let u fuck up her head anymore

Jasmin says:not that shes that dumb

Jasmin says:u did a real number on hr i have to say

Jasmin says:anyway this is becoming less intersting so good luck with ur career in japan?, rome or what was it?

Jasmin says:oh yeah with your buddies down the bus shelter

Jasmin says:its ok

Jasmin says:i hear hanabi is ur favourite flick

Jasmin says:remember what the cop does?

Jasmin says:take his example

Now You Die Thriddle Fool says:futures dicknose

Jasmin says:fuck do i care

Jasmin says:anyway

Jasmin says:u know

My favourite bit, I think, is when he realises that his chances of causing me bodily harm from another country are so slim he attempts to use my love of the film 'Hana-bi' to convince me to commit suicide. He wasn't right about it being my favourite film by the way. It's not even my favourite Takeshi Kitano movie.

So a couple of days after this I started getting calls from the guy while I was at work threatening me even further. Jeez, I get the picture already...buddy?

Alex B.

Sunday 7 September 2008

First in a series of short stories from guest writers:

(By Norman Plum)

Many years ago, not more than four but certainly less than seven, a series of poorly managed business affairs had convinced me to bury my light in the northern English town of Crewe for a short spell. This may seem a peculiarly random and unlikely choice for a man of my Ulster climes but the nature of the conclusion of aforesaid business engagements and the characters of the second and third parties involved made random and unlikely particularly appealing. The exact nature of the entanglements I cannot divulge here for reasons of legality and simple good taste, enough to say that my intentions were divergent from my desires on that occasion and my grammatical grandeur may have led to a misunderstanding of mutuality twixt myself and the baser elements of the Belfast black market economy. Be not concerned with this past however as it has no bearing on my tale of the heart, save only for impetus of direction.
I had taken up residence in a bijou studio bed-sit sited within a two up two down Georgian terrace sundered into eight self contained domiciles, perfectly suited to my needs of anonymity and adequately provided for monetarily by means of night shift employ within a twenty four hour petrol station. The hours were an excellent fit for a man of my vicarious lifestyle choices, having always been considered quite the night owl eleven pm to six am fitted my waking hours succintly, and the nocturnal nature of the shifts prevented me from making my habitual splash amidst the small hours nightlife of Crewe and encouraging news of my presence to spread.
I could not however bring myself to lead a completely monastic life and became quite the regular at a local gentleman’s venue in the company of the third finest troupe of ladies of negotiable clothing the town had to offer, the cocktail bar providing refreshment to my sober mind and the girls up on stage proffering enough happy memories for pleasant preponderance whenever a five minute let up in my late night labours would allow. As a place to spend in limbo Crewe was certainly bearable.
As my countenance became familiar at ‘Madame Creamy’s’ I came to be on first name terms with the lavatory attendant, a veritable prince among men called Kwame. It was through Kwame that I sourced information concerning the pecuniary methods by which the temporary affections of Sylvia could be acquired. Sylvia was a dancer on Monday nights, Tuesday afternoon’s, and a glass washer on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. On the busy Friday and Saturday nights she wasn’t allowed on the premises due to an unfeeling aesthetic prejudice towards her glass eye and eczema. Strippers can be a cruel breed. Suitably knowledged I approached the lass and enquired to ascertain her interest in a dalliance.
With her good eye she looked me up and down while her glassy peeper held my smouldering amorous gaze with impassive haught. She bit gently on her lower lip and her working eye fired alight as it came to rest upon my crotch. I was much relieved that I had had within myself the presence of forethought to position mine own wallet so as to exaggerate the stature of my solitary corduroy bulge. Possibly aroused (Her glass eye betrayed nothing and the eczema at the corners of her mouth denied the portraiture of sensuality in a smile) she acquiesced in sexily aloof fashion fan-fared by a low snarled grunt of husky native northwestern angleterre tones.
There were caveats however, as any prudent young lady should impose upon a new suitor. The time and place of the rendezvous would be of her choosing, being a lady of a dense and hectic social schedule a time had to be found when I could fit into her needs so she could take care of mine. She decided that she would meet with me at six thirty on the morning of the Thursday of that week at the petrol station when my shift was finished, being as how she finished ajaxing the poles at ‘Creamy’s’ around six this time most opportunely slotted into her schedule. Thence a taxi to chez moi and forty five minutes of hot passion, no more because she had to meet a postman at quarter past eight and had a doctors appointment at half nine.
I endeavoured to haggle the time reasoning that any mail she needed to collect could wait on the doormat, or in case of a bulky package or a recorded delivery could be collected at the mail depot at a more convenient time. At any rate an hour and fifteen minutes seemed a rather excessive amount of time for any lady of letters to expend upon the simple collection of correspondence. She was a brass tacks kind of girl however and promptly reminded me exactly who the professional was and exactly where my business and my nose lay, indeed she grew quite agitated and it took all my wiles and charm to convince her that I was not in the pay of the local constabulary; or as she assumed to ascertain from the manner of my speech… a poof… or as she put it ‘a fuckin’ scuffer or a bumboy are ya?’
My heterosexuality and depravity assured the only remaining issues to be discussed were that of cost and payment, forty pounds sterling for the work to be done and the expense of the taxi fares were to be borne by myself, we agreed that an amount to the tune of fifteen pounds should suffice, but more interestingly my little rented minx suggested a rather alluring sweetener. For the price of twenty-five pounds half a gram of nefarious white powder could be procured to aid the fumbling proceedings. At this my heart leapt and I immediately gained a stronger sense of kinship with this woman, her face locked expressionless by eczema clearly concealed many mysteries. I must take this chance to explain that a man of my keen and active intellect can find the sedateness of sobriety a trifle cloying, and while narcotic stimulation may be regarded as unhealthy voluntary lunacy in some of the more unenlightened and repressed quarters of society I must confess that I find the emotional lubrication of such intoxicants quite exhilarating. Indeed I do not feel I should be able to call myself even half the man I am today without the learned awareness of my more bestial nature. To look upon my countenance you would surely agree, though unfortunately I must deny you knowledge of my current localities, again for reasons of taste, decency, and investigation pending, but please take my word for my character as golden. However, I digress.
The tryst was set and the concord secured with currency of eighty pounds up front. I proffered my hand across the steaming glass washer and having agreed to all caveats and sub clauses with deposit of monies (showing a standard of trust any young gallant should show a young lady, although ‘young’ is a generous term as Sylvia was most likely between thirty and forty-five, her skin condition made ascertaining her age rather difficult.) we agreed to meet. She spasmed the left side of her face in a process that looked not without discomfort, it may have been a mild stroke but I like to think she was coyly endeavouring to wink her glass eye.

The time the two days took to elapse felt like an eternity to my yearning groin and the wee small night hours drudged past turgidly as I toiled in the petrol station, my mind a mile away from charcoal briquettes and microwaveable burgers. Finally, at long last my labours were relieved at six a.m and I only had to wait in the icy Crewe morn for my Sylvia and the fulfilment of my desires. At ten to seven she duly arrived, resplendent in tight lycra and caked, smeared, lipstick. With haste we adjourned to my lodgings, and I emphasise the haste as her tardiness was to be deducted from my time with her. She really did have to see that postman.
Now to aid your understanding of events to come I should furnish upon you a description of my bijou studio bed-sit as it’s condition was crucial to what was to unfold. Being quite the man about town I was rarely in residence, and when I was it would be chiefly in an unconscious and supine state. The meagre furnishings were a single bed, a kettle, a toasted sandwich maker, and a chair for said appliances to sit on, essentially serving as a kitchen. Due to this culinary arrangement and my financial inability to employ a maid the carpet beneath was a veritable smorgasbord of breadcrumbs, sugar, melted cheese, and instant coffee granules. Unbeknownst to myself this hygienic neglect had attracted verminous mice that had taken up a squatters residence in my abode, they came for the cheese but stayed for the coffee. The presence of these unwanted neighbours had never come to my attention vis a vis my regularity of unconsciousness, inebriation and slight use of my dwelling space.
Sylvia was quickly alert to the timorous wee beasties existence however. On opening the door her nose wrinkled emphatically, ‘Urrgh, mings of fuckin’ shite in ‘ere.’ She promptly informed me. This was news to me as I can only suspect my thirty a day Dunhill habit had rendered my olfactory senses immune to the aroma of excrement. I can only assume that the loss of half her sight and rash impaired sense of touch had enhanced her sense of smell to compensate. I assured her that the shit was not my own, being of exemplary toilet habits were solids were concerned, and that I was totally at a loss as to how such a filth could have transpired within my residence. This cut no ice with Sylvia who recognising the rodential infestation insisted a refusal to divest her clothing in ‘this pit’ lest she contract some disease. I pointed out to the lady that with her already rampant collection of skin complaints it was highly unlikely that she could catch a worser affliction at which point she kicked me in the bollocks and smacked me in the face. The punch to the head was excruciating since her fist was heavily weighted with many sovereign rings, I must also mention that this was a well rehearsed right hook and it tore a bloody gash across my right eyebrow. To this day I still sort a scar in that place in the shape of the badge of Crewe Alexandria football club branded from a gold plated band she wore in partisanship. While incapacitated she purloined my kettle and sandwich maker then absconded, presumably to meet that postman.
Believe it or not dear reader I was feeling very disappointed at this turn of events, quite low indeed. The kick in the happy sacks had put paid to any idea of lovemaking, even to myself, and I rued my misplaced trust in a Monday night stripper without first getting references. Achingly and slowly I hauled myself to sitting position on my now vacant chair and took stock of my situation. I fortuitously had roughly half a bottle of Serbian cognac left over from a previous nights revel and after locating it in my laundry pile cum wardrobe fond it still roughly half full. I raised the comforting elixir to my lips and began my ruminations. The cocaine I had prudently acquired from Sylvie on our meeting, being rather eager to feel the security of possession of said substance and wasted no time in ingesting the lot. It was a nowhere near the weight of half a gram and I can only assume a generous helping had been the fuel to fire my concubines fists. The blood in my eyes was proof enough of its potency.
Almost instantly liquor and chemicals flared rage at my mistreatment. Once again my attempts at happiness had been foiled by someone else’s crap. It was like that botched horse theft in Dungannon all over again, all my careful scheming ruined by idiot accomplices and the telltale smell of shit once more, whatever possessed that mushroom addled wanker Cairan to muck that stallion out into domestic bins for the council rubbish collectors to find I’ll never know. I only planned to keep it in his mum’s house for a day, who could have thought a horse could shit that much in twenty four hours, it wasn’t even as if we’d been feeding the thing. However I digress once more and let slip more than I should. The booze and drugs offered not the solace I had hoped for, having planned of course to share the feast. Debauchery for one is a flavourless meal.
What had done this to me? Why had I been brought to this nadir? Whose fault was it? Not my own doing surely? I sought answers in another caustic slug of rum and the coke numbed my tongue so my brain had silence to analyse. Of course I was not to blame, the architecture of the scheme had been flawless arranged and secured by the profits of my unusually honest toil. Could Sylvia be possibly the one in the wrong? Certainly she could not escape the taint of culpability, the manifestation of her displeasure in violent form was most unladylike, but then was not the reason of her vexation not entirely ladylike and proper? How could I blame a creature for so correctly comporting herself in the daintiness of her sex and refusing to roll in excrement with me? Although a refund would have been nice, at least thirty pounds would have done as saw no problem with her keeping ten for her trouble. Clearly it was the shit that was to blame and therefore the mice by direct association. Everything had gone entirely to plan until her discovery of the vermin’s droppings. Yes, that was the culprit, the mice, the very same fucking mice that even now I daresay hid in my bijou studio bed-sit mocking my despair though they had grown fat on the crumbs of my existence and the generosity of my presence.
‘The fuckers!’ I cried and rose swiftly from my kitchen throne in righteous anger. I kicked apart my laundry pile which I assumed to be the most comfortable space for them to dwell, but there they were not, the drawers I wrenched from the sideboard and flung upon the floor screaming all the curses of heaven and hell to fall upon their evil, furry, little heads. I bellowed assurances of their slow destruction and that their very hearts and brains I would take from them and lay at my ladies feet for the insult they made to her. The covers I tore from the duvet and pillows and let them fall, the bed I upended and dived to the ground where it had stood, there I made search along the walls for sign of entry or possibly a telltale trail of cheese, crumbs, and coffee, but aside from shit there was nothing to find. Temporarily beaten back I made myself as comfortable as possible on the pile of shattered debris that made up the whole record of my existence in Crewe. Torn newspapers unrecycled documented the dates and events of the world elsewhere, a chronology that mocked the meagreness of my experience. Looking around me I saw no mice to conquer, my enemy had vanquished me before I even knew the fight was on, my rage had achieved nought but my own destruction.
Another slug of rum from the bottle I had prudently stored in the corner so as to protect it from my rampage restored a modicum of clarity (also I assume the initial rush from the cocaine was wearing off true to the drugs famously ephemeral quality). Looking at my bed I could see that I had snapped the frame, also certain legal ramifications of obligations of short term rented tenancy were beginning to dawn on me. The time to leave Crewe had clearly arrived; I had gained nothing from my stay save shredded maelstrom of worthless possessions and a pile of mouse shit. In fact I mused that I had also lost two hundred and fifty pounds as I saw no hope of ever reclaiming my deposit back from Mr Sharma the landlord. The foreign voiced thundering from next door also promised the imminent arrival of the local constabulary, which while I won’t enter into details was not advisable for a man of my well documented history.
Taking all that was worth saving, the rum and the fags and the coke in my nose, I absconded with haste still attired in the uniform of a Maxoil petrol station employee. A badge of allegiance now woefully inappropriate as I would never again re-enter their premises, possibly maybe for scotch eggs and pornography but certainly not for work as I could be certain the boys in blue would certainly attempt to locate me there and this I could not allow. I proceeded to the bus station and embarked on an unusually random direction once more changing my attire and name on my way, as was my custom. Norman Plum is a nom de plume after all.

I never saw or heard of Sylvia again but I’d like to think she remembers me fondly every time she has a toast sandwich.